December 8, 2007

Your score, please ??

Posted in Uncategorized at 3:58 pm by prabandana

Its been 1 week since my second Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Taking the level two was really so tiring for me, a full time (umm, for most of the days are more than full time) employee with only a 2 hours per week japanese class. Most of the JLPT fellows know very well that the preparation(time,material, energy) you need for upgrading the level from lev 4 to lev 3 is far from enough to cover the gap between lev 3 and lev 2.. (JLPT has 4 level, of which level 1 is the highest one..).. dont ask me about the result OK?.. hahaha.. it will come knock my door in the middle of february, and cannot hope so much for it.

One day, when i felt so tired and still have a bunch of homework from the teacher to catchup the material within 2 months, I just ask my self, how come they have such proficiency test?? Undoubtedly, English is the you-must-know language all around the world, and as a non-native speaker, such test like TOEFL or TOEIC is much more reasonable to take.. But japanese? the one use japanese are only they who are living in Japan..You need the test since you have to master the language so that you get live there, study there, something that you cannot get unless you master the language.. (i mean its not mandatory for you to pass the test if you don’t really need to)..

Everyone know the country of which the language got a proficiency standard must have “something” make us put our soul in the front line to master the language. Japan has so such”something”, lets say technology, science, culture,live, attract so many people to get those “something”. The bad news is.. Basically, japan has been so strong from the “knowledge share”point of view. I can say, you can get every books you need no matter your interest, all provided in japanese.. The economy has also been quite good that they can stand and run by themselves.Although its true that there are some fundamental reason for japaneese can hardly learn english or other language, I can say that for now, its not so urgent for japanese to learn english,lets say.. Thats why, once someone decide to get something from japan, japaneese is a must.

I dont know exactly which country have the language proficiency standard, but basically, the more poeple need it, the more popular the test, which is with the same analogy, the need of a language proficiency test somehow show the strength of a country. I will agree that if there are two most important language in the world, they will be English and chinese.

Then, i just look at my self when one day, someone ask me, how many languages i master natively. Ah, yeah we master two : Javanese and Indonesia, hahaha.. he said “whoo great, so you can speak 2 natively, and now English and japanese?? ” But so sad, none of the two are listed in the most used language for international commmunication, not like a chinese singaporean who even cry in chinese laugh in English since they were baby..

Hahaha. no problem, i really believe someday Indonesia will be much better, when the ILPT (Indonesia Language Proficiency Test) is a must, Indonesia language courses will be a good business to run, and when so many books of the test preparation load the bookstore shelves.. hmmm..


  1. dzaia-bs said,

    dana-san, daijobu ka? 😀
    ganbatte ne… gambarimasu…

    tuh, gw bisa kan?
    masa’ bahasa jepun yg gampang gitu aja kesulitan sih, dan?
    belom nyobain belajar mandarin sih… 😛

  2. yayan said,

    wahaha.. mas aku juga ikut JLPT, level 4, masih cupu, hehe.. klo disini keluar skornya maret.

    gini, biaya tes TOFL tu bisa nyampe sejuta karena emang udah jadi bahasa internasional, karena banyak yg butuh. nah klo nouryoku shiken, di Indonesia cuma 50rb yg level4, 75rb yg level 1, very2 cheap =D. ceritanya memasyarakatkan bahasa jepang dulu, biar ga pada males ikut tes.

    nah, klo javanese and indonesian, haha, bikin tes gratis aja, apatuh namanya ILPT hehe. biar rame2 pada ikut, kalo perlu dapet hadiah, halah..
    sip2, indonesia bakalan bangkit lahh.. tinggal sampe ada critical mass aja..
    itsuka.. ^^

  3. neno said,

    eh, kayaknya ada deh, sejenis ILPT gitu, gak tau deh yg bikin dari mana ya hehe.. apa resmi dr negara kyk JLPT gini apa dr institusi yg bikinnya jg kondisionil kalo ada yg butuh aja.
    Anak2 jepang di sini yang pada mau exchange ke Indonesia, kalo gak salah mereka harus ambil tes “ILPT” dulu. Kayak apa ya tesnya.. jadi penasaran..
    itsuka kiite miru wa.

    mas dan, did you try to check your answers with the key?

    to yayan: murah yaaa, di indo, biaya JLPT-nya

  4. ericsonfp said,

    Dan, nanti 2025 itu aku jadi sensei bagi para nihon jin itulah kalo gitu. Tak kasi ilmu bahasa Indonesia dengan logat batak yang kental..

  5. prabandana said,

    @jaya: toei toei.. Taiwan henlen ma? tokyo henlen pa..
    @yayan: plus, hadiahnya harus diantar sampe ke rumah ya yan? baru deh mau ikut..
    @neno:answer key? belum cek..biar aja lah dibuatnya aku penasaran…:D lo kamu ikut jlpt juga to? iranai njya..
    @ericson: mantab pula ucok sensei ini…

  6. di2t said,

    wow kamu ambil JLPT, ga kebayang loh akhirnya kamu yang menguasai b jepang. 3 tahun yang lalu aku juga ambil JLPT level 2, di kampus widyatama (suci) ujiannya. Seperti yang sudah di tebak “GAGAL”. kurang 29 jawaban betul buat lulus. Sebagai temen aku ikut senang liat kamu sukses. just incase kamu lupa kita pernah seangkatan loh di el02.

  7. akhmad_is said,

    wow, omedetou Dan, akhirnya keluar ke dunia blog ^^.
    Btw, emang dah ada kok ILPT di Jepun ini. Beberapa waktu lalu ibu homestay-nya temenku ikut. Klo ga salah ada 5 level, (A, B,C,D,E; level A paling OK). Di Jepang, jg mulai lumayan banyak yg mempelajari bahasa nasional kt ini.
    Da sou desu.

  8. riha said,

    pokoknya klo lulus……

  9. neno said,

    ….. kirim makanan ke beppu!


    nyambung riha.

  10. prabandana said,

    @didit: weew.. didit senpai!! sassuga.. 3 tahun lalu mah masih belajar basa sunda, itu aja ndak lulus lulus..
    @akhmad: wah klo gt kita level opo mad?
    @riha: amiiin
    @neno: ngunyah sirih dicampur rebung.. ih nyambung nyambung

  11. Oo' said,

    Kalau JLPT (Javanese Language Proficiency Test)
    perlu ada gak Dan
    cuman 3 level kan Ngoko, Kromo, ma Kromo Inggil

  12. amir said,

    kalo yang ini susah o’, aku udah bergabung dengan masyarakat ini dari lahir aja g bisa-bisa

  13. prabandana said,

    Yahee.. lulus meskipun kayak anak STM hahaha 😀

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